Thursday, August 23, 2012

Summer Time Blog Clean Up!

Hello lovely followers? So I have been looking at other mommy blogs and I came across this lovely blog called mommy's little sunshine. its run by a woman named Mikinli Hatch. its adorable! I came across her blogs through Pintrest go figure? Well the article that caught my attention immediately was the one that stated she made it through her pregnancy without a single stretch mark. I saw that and said to myself "I need to know how she did that!" So I clicked the link for her site and boom! There was so much amazing things she had done as far as pictures, DIY's, and so much more.

 Now I have to say I'm comparing my blog to hers and I look at mine and think my god my blog looks bad compared to hers. But I should know better than to think that because we are two different ladies and have different likes. Only she has an amazing looking blog and wonderful ideas for the kiddos. Now she is my inspiration to get on the bandwagon of blogging more! Now the main reason for this post was to get the opinion of my followers, should I clean up and delete certain blogs or leave them be?

1 comment:

  1. Loving the new look. Great color choice. My own blog changes about every 3 months with a new look. Guess I just wanna play more than anything else. But keep it up. Join mombloggersclub SITS and GIVEAWAYBLOGS for ways to add more and get more followers. Doing SITS everyday really really really works.
